
Why You Need a Lawyer when Drafting a Business Contract

If you are a business owner, you are acutely aware that one of the pillars of a successful company is a well-drafted contract. While businesses are not required to secure the services of a lawyer, retaining an attorney familiar with contract language can be a smart business decision. Contracts can


Can I Lose My Job for Attending a Political Rally?

In the age of social media, all New York employees need to be cognizant of the fact that their off-duty activities may be monitored by employers. In some cases, employers may come under public pressure to discipline or fire an employee based on statements or actions he or she takes


Business Law Blog – Extrinsic Evidence: Considering the Parties Intent

In Konami v. Galleria Condominium Association, the Supreme Court of New York Countydenied a motion to dismiss a lawsuit brought against the Galleria Condominium Association by Ms. Konami, a condominium apartment owner. One of the major issues in the case was whether or not damages to plaintiff Konami’s apartment fell within a


Bronx Retailer Ordered to Pay $12,000 for Not Following Overtime Laws

Does your employer have a written overtime policy in place? If not, there is a good chance you are being underpaid for the hours you work in excess of 40 per week. Many employers think they can skirt the law by paying their workers “in cash” or “off the books,” but that


Separating Interns From Employees Under New York Labor Law

Federal and New York State employment laws requires employers to pay their employees a certain minimum wage and overtime pay. The critical thing, however, is that such laws only apply to individuals legally classified as “employees.” There are other people who may perform beneficial work for an employer yet not be considered


New York Law Permits “Sealing” of Criminal Records From Potential Employers

Having a criminal record can adversely affect your ability to find a job. Here in New York, state law has tried to make it easier for individuals who have paid their debt to society seek gainful employment by prohibiting employment discrimination based solely on a criminal record. As we discussed in a previous


21st Century Fox Faces New Allegations of Sexual Harassment and Violence

Sexual harassment in the workplace is not always limited to one “rogue” employee. To the contrary, gender discrimination often reflects a corporate culture that permits–even encourages–abusive behavior towards women. In turn, this can make female employees afraid to come forward and report illegal harassment or discrimination for fear of public humiliation


When is Withdrawing a Job Offer Considered “Retaliation”?

Employment discrimination laws broadly prohibit an employer from engaging in “retaliation.” That is to say, if you complain about illegal discrimination in the workplace, your employer cannot use that fact against you in making any decisions regarding your employment. Protection from retaliation also extends to prospective employers. An employer cannot refuse


First Steps in Starting a Business

There isn’t much about running a business that is exactly simple, but there is also no problem that can’t be overcome with some careful planning, entrepreneurial know-how, and some legal assistance. More often than not, people get stuck right at the beginning. They have the idea of what they want