Me Too, TIME’S UP, Equal Pay Movements
New York Employment Law Attorneys
Although legislation such as the Civil Rights Act and the Equal Pay Act of Title IX has helped advance equality in the workplace, women continue to face significant disadvantages. Not only are they, on average, paid less than men, but they are also more often subject to unjust treatment, including sexual harassment. This is unacceptable, and action must be taken to ensure all people are treated fairly in the workplace as well as the community as a whole.
At Nisar Law Group, P.C., we do not condone the disparate treatment of workers that endangers their safety, future, and lives. Our New York employment law attorneys stand up for victims of discrimination, harassment, and abuse, seeking justice for those who have been adversely affected by such treatment. As such, we support social justice movements such as TIME’S UP, #MeToo, and Equal Pay that fight for equity for women.
If you have suffered unjust treatment by your employer or colleagues, call us at (212) 600-9534 or contact us online to discuss your legal options.
What's the TIME'S UP Movement?
The goal of the TIME’S UP movement is to create systemic change in the workplace to help women achieve equity. It asserts that many companies’ policies, structures, and power imbalances foster a culture of inequality. Direct and indirect practices of many employers and their employees keep women in lower positions, resulting in them earning lower pay than men.
The practices also allow gender discrimination, harassment, and sexual assault to continue. The TIME’S UP movement seeks to make transparent the unjust treatment of women and the barriers they face that make self-sufficiency difficult. It looks to change legislation and policies to create a path for equity for all and for company cultures that are free of unjust treatment.
What's the #MeToo Movement?
Sadly, many women have been subject to sexual harassment or assault in the workplace, as well as within their communities. For a long time, many victims stayed quiet about their experiences. The #MeToo movement seeks to open the conversation about sexual violence women encounter daily.
By bringing survivors together, the movement shows that women are not alone in their experiences and offers the space and resources for healing. The hope is that speaking out will help end sexual violence and create lasting change in the community and the workplace.
What's the Equal Pay Movement?
On average, women earn 80 cents to every dollar men make. And that wage gap is even greater for women of color. The pay differences decrease women’s economic security both during their working years and when they retire. Although federal and state laws have addressed issues of pay, there is still a long way to go before women are on the same level as men.
The Equal Pay movement seeks to end the disparities in earnings between women and men. It pushes for legislation that deals with issues of wage discrimination both for full-time, year-round workers and those earning minimum wage.
Working Toward Gender Equity in the Workplace
At Nisar Law Group, P.C., our New York attorneys are committed to helping victims of discrimination and unfair treatment hold their employers accountable. We fight aggressively to address and challenge the wrongs women have faced, at the same time seeking to correct the injustices.
If you need legal representation for your employment law matter, call us at (212) 600-9534 or contact us online.