Section 75 Hearings

Fighting for Your Best Interest

Section 75 Hearings in New York

Knowledgeable employment lawyers Serving New York

At Nisar Law Group, P.C., we represent clients in a variety of employment law issues. Attorney Mahir Nisar and our team of New York employment lawyers have a thorough and up-to-date knowledge of federal and state employment laws. Section 75 hearings can be stressful, and it is important to have an experienced attorney on your side to walk you through the process. We will work hard to protect your interests and will help you make informed legal decisions every step of the way.

Contact our New York employment lawyers online or call (212) 600-9534 for your initial consultation.

What You Need to Know About Section 75 Hearings

The Civil Service Law section 75 sets forth regulations concerning disciplinary actions for certain public employees. Before being fired or disciplined, the public employee has a right to receive a copy of the charges and has 8 days to respond. He or she also has the right to hire legal representation for the hearing.

Who may qualify for a Section 75 hearing?

  • Police detectives with at least 3 years of service
  • Qualifying veterans and exempt volunteer firefighters
  • Competitive class permanent appointees
  • Noncompetitive class employees with at least 5 years of service
  • New York City homemakers or home aids with at least 3 years of continuous service

During the Section 75 hearing, you will be able to call witnesses to testify on your behalf. A hearing officer will review and consider the case before making a decision. Qualifying employees who have been charged with misconduct or incompetence may be suspended without pay for a period of up to 30 days while the hearing and final decision are pending. Our New York employment attorneys will work diligently to build your case and advocate for your rights.

If convicted, you may face a variety of penalties. These include:

  • Suspension without pay for up to 2 months
  • Formal reprimand
  • Fines of up to $100, to be deducted from salary or wages
  • Dismissal from service
  • Demotion in title or grade

These penalties are harsh, and it is important to hire efficient legal representation to fight on your behalf. If convicted, you have the right to obtain a copy of the transcript of the hearing for free. Our team can investigate the charges against you to gather evidence, and present your case at the hearing as you seek a favorable outcome.

Call Nisar Law Group, P.C. Today at (212) 600-9534

At Nisar Law Group, P.C., we have represented hundreds of clients in employment law cases. Section 75 of the New York Civil Service Law provides detailed regulations and requirements for employers to follow regarding disciplinary actions. It also lays out the specific rights of employees who have been charged with substantial incompetence or professional misconduct. If you are facing a Section 75 hearing, Attorney Mahir Nisar and our New York employment lawyers will tenaciously defend your rights.

Contact our firm today to discuss your situation with one of our aggressive legal advocates. 

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