Black Lives Matter

Fighting for Your Best Interest

Black Lives Matter Movement

New York Employment Lawyers Standing in Solidarity with the Black Community

Racism has no place in our society. Believing that certain people, because of their race or national origin, are inferior or do not deserve the same opportunities and courtesies as others is wrong. This systemic problem needs to be addressed. At Nisar Law Group, P.C., we support the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement that exposes racism and the violence committed against Black lives in our society.

Movements such as BLM seek to end racial injustices and create opportunities for all Black lives to thrive – a mission our attorneys also strive to uphold. We believe that the continued fight for freedom and the eradication of anti-Black ideals is a worthy cause and one that should be supported without hesitation. Our lawyers stand in solidarity with the Black community, and we respect differences and similarities that make our world beautiful.

At Nisar Law Group, P.C., when we hear about race-based discrimination occurring, we take legal action. If you were a victim of unjust treatment by your employer, contact us at (212) 600-9534 to discuss your case.

Race and National Origin Discrimination in the Workplace

Racist thinking affects Black lives at various levels in society, including the workplace. Too often, employers and coworkers bring preconceived notions of certain races into the workplace and explicitly or implicitly express those ideals. The actions or inactions taken against Black lives can create a hostile work environment, impacting the physical and emotional well-being of the individual.

For instance, a Black worker might hear comments about the way they look or be passed up for a promotion because of the color of their skin. This type of conduct can make them feel as if they don’t belong, and it needs to be addressed.

If you were subject workplace discrimination because of your race, our New York attorneys will thoroughly investigate the matter. We’ll take legal action to hold your employer accountable.

Race and National Origin Discrimination in the Criminal Justice System

Unfortunately, Black people, along with individuals of other minority groups, are accused of certain crimes because of their races. Incarceration rates overwhelmingly represent minorities, which creates a modern-day type of enslavement. It can also unjustly affect the individual’s employment opportunities, especially with employers that engage in criminal conviction discrimination. This should not happen and cannot be allowed to continue. At Nisar Law Group, P.C., we fight against this type of discrimination and victimization.

Fighting for Justice

Our New York attorneys are upset when we learn someone has been mistreated because of the color of their skin. We understand this is a systemic issue that needs to be changed. That is why we take legal action when possible to help create a more equitable society.

To learn more about how our lawyers can help you with your race or nationality discrimination case, call us at (212) 600-9534 or submit an online contact form, and we’ll respond promptly.

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