
What Happens if You are Fired for Complaining About Sexual Harassment?

Many people are afraid to come forward with sexual harassment allegations because they fear complaining will just make the problem worse. Indeed, there are many situations in which an employer responds to legitimate harassment complaints by blaming–and even firing–the victim. Such actions are illegal in and of themselves, however, as they constitute


Can a Former Employer Retaliate Against Me for Suing Them?

There are situations in which a person affected by gender discrimination or similar forms of illegal conduct is reluctant to come forward and pursue a claim because he or she fears retaliation from an employer (or former employer). For instance, what happens if a wrongfully terminated employee files a discrimination lawsuit, only


Addressing Sex and Gender Discrimination in the Hiring Process

Despite the fact that everyone knows there are laws against gender discrimination, many New York employers still think they can get away with blatantly sexist hiring practices. In fact, many employers continue to hire less-qualified male applicants to the detriment of female applicants. This is why it is so important for


Ex-Sales Manager Accuses Spotify of Gender Discrimination

Gender discrimination in the workplace often takes the form of implicit or explicit bias on the part of male managers toward female employees. For example, a manager may enforce different standards of conduct for male and female employees, affording greater latitude to the former. Or the manager may simply favor male


Did an Upstate College Illegally Fire a Campus Doctor for Treating Transgender Students?

Transgender individuals continue to face discrimination and hostility from many parts of our society. In addition to bullying and harassment, transgender persons must also overcome significant obstacles in order to obtain proper health care. As an ongoing employment discrimination dispute from upstate New York illustrates, these issues raise important questions regarding basic