
Can I Still Sue After Receiving a Severance Package?

Severance pay is money or other benefits your employer agrees to provide you should you be released from employment with the company. And while it can help cover living expenses as you search for another job, it also serves as a benefit for your employer. When you sign a severance


NYC Council May Ban “At-Will” Firings in Fast Food Industry

As a general rule, private employment in New York State is considered “at-will.” This means that an employer can fire an employee for just about any reason, or even no reason at all, except in situations expressly forbidden by law. For example, you cannot fire someone due to their race,


Can My Boss Fire Me for Refusing to do Something Illegal?

No employer has the right to demand that an employee break the law. In fact, New York law offers specific whistleblower protections for an employee who discloses information related to an employer’s illegal activities. This means that if you witness a violation of the law at your workplace, you can report it


What are My First Amendment Rights as a Government Employee?

The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution guarantees every American’s right to freedom of speech. How far does “free speech” extend to statements you make at work? If you work for a state or city agency, for example, can you be fired for making statements with which your bosses disagree?