
Sexual Harassment is Not a “Playful” Joke

Sexual harassment takes many forms. Sometimes a coworker makes inappropriate sexist “jokes” in the office. In other cases, a manager directs sexually charged comments toward a subordinate. New York employers must take affirmative steps to identify and stop any such conduct. It is unacceptable–and illegal–for an employer to excuse harassing conduct


What to Do About Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

Sexual harassment in the workplace is not okay. It can create an intimidating and hostile work environment, making it difficult for victims or witnesses to feel comfortable coming to work or doing their jobs. Unfortunately, even though sexual harassment can have several adverse effects on employee productivity and performance as well as


The Effects of Workplace Bullying and Toxic Workplaces and Actions Employees Can Take

According to the Workplace Bullying Institute’s 2021 survey, about 30% of American workers have experienced bullying in the workplace. And a separate study suggests that many employees in toxic workplaces are unlikely to report harassment. It is alarming and unfortunate that so many workers have been a victim of or witness to unfair, inappropriate,


EEOC Releases Figures on Workplace Discrimination Charges Filed in 2018

Although you frequently see news reports about individual cases of sexual harassment and other forms of employment discrimination, it is often difficult for the average person to grasp the extent of the problem at a statewide or national level. One set of metrics comes from the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC),


Is a New York City Employer Liable for a Non-Supervisor’s Sexual Harassment?

New York City employers have a duty to identify and address sexual harassment in the workplace. Some employers think this means they only need to ensure that managers do not harass employees under their direct supervision. In fact, an employer can be held responsible for the “discriminatory conduct” of any employee towards


EEOC Reaches $150,000 Settlement with Bronx Company Over Sexual Harassment Charges

Sexual harassment is a serious problem in many New York City workplaces. Like other forms of employment discrimination, sexual harassment often reflects a certain institutional or managerial culture. That is to say, even managers who do not directly engage in harassment may encourage it by failing to take action against the