
Can a State Agency Refuse to Hire You Based on a Prior Criminal Conviction?

New York State law forbids most employers, including state agencies, from refusing to hire a job applicant solely on the basis of a prior criminal conviction. There are some exceptions to this rule, notably in cases in which the employer makes a specific factual determination that there is a direct link


Bronx Retailer Ordered to Pay $12,000 for Not Following Overtime Laws

Does your employer have a written overtime policy in place? If not, there is a good chance you are being underpaid for the hours you work in excess of 40 per week. Many employers think they can skirt the law by paying their workers “in cash” or “off the books,” but that


Trump Administration Clarifies Law Regarding Classification of Unpaid Interns

As a general rule, the federal Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) requires all for-profit employers to pay minimum wage and overtime compensation to their employees. Many employers get around these requirements by classifying some of their workforces as unpaid interns. Such individuals frequently work for no pay in exchange for college credit