Living in the 21st century, we expect to see more forward-thinking. And while great strides have been made toward equality – especially concerning gender roles – instances still exist where women are treated unfavorably compared to men. Often, they miss out on benefits or opportunities afforded to their male counterparts. Sex-based discrimination can have serious impacts on female employees’ physical and mental wellbeing as well as their ability to become financially independent and provide for their families.
At Nisar Law Group, P.C., we believe all people deserve to be treated fairly and justly, and any discrimination or harassment committed against women in the workplace must stop. Our New York team is here to give a voice to women who have had to endure a range of hardships because their employers facilitated sex-based discrimination or were willfully negligent in stopping it. We are proud to stand up for these women and make a difference in their workplaces, lives, and communities. Still, many more voices may be going unheard, which may, in part, be because employees and their coworkers might not know how to recognize or navigate the process for reporting female discrimination in the workplace.
To empower individuals to come forward, we discuss what female discrimination looks like, its effects on victims, and actions workers can take to seek justice. Of course, the information we provide merely scratches the surface of the issue and the legal options available. We encourage anyone experiencing female discrimination to reach out to us and learn more about the avenues that can be explored to seek remedy.
What Does Female Discrimination in the Workplace Look Like?
Broadly, female discrimination involves unjust and/or harmful treatment against women. The conduct directed at them is not anything their male counterparts must endure.
The many forms of female discrimination include, but are not limited to:
- Pay discrepancies (women making less than men)
- Sexual and non-sexual harassment
- Passed up for promotions, raises, training, and other employment-related opportunities
- Forced resignation
- Denied a job
- Imbalanced workload
- Held to different standards
- Biased performance evaluations
Discrimination against women can be perpetrated by any person working for or associated with the organization, including supervisors, coworkers, and third parties. In many cases, discrimination creates tension between the victim and the perpetrator, affecting professional relationships, work fulfillment, productivity, and performance.
What Is the "Glass Ceiling"?
The term “glass ceiling” was coined decades ago to describe the invisible barrier women face in male-dominated corporate environments. Essentially, it means that once women reach a certain point in their career, although they can see the top positions, such as managerial- and executive-level roles, they cannot access them.
Often, the glass ceiling is based on attitudes about or biases against women. As such, the challenges women face in climbing the corporate ladder are typically not created by anything written in corporate policies but rather due to accepted norms.
A woman’s inability to promote to a higher-level role can be a form of female discrimination.
How Does Sex-Based Discrimination Affect Women?
As noted before, sex-based discrimination can have mental, physical, and financial impacts on women.
Some of the effects of mistreatment in the workplace include, but are not limited to:
- Feelings of frustration, anger, or paranoia
- Low sense of self-worth
- Isolation from colleagues
- Mental health issues
- Substance abuse
- Stress
- Pregnancy complications
Because female discrimination can affect so many aspects of an individual’s life, they must prioritize their wellbeing and take time to focus on their health and happiness. It is also crucial that they seek remedy for the issues they face at work. Allowing the conduct to continue can cause health problems to worsen. Additionally, addressing the discriminatory or harassing behavior can end it, creating a better working environment for the individual themselves and future employees.
How Do I Protect Myself Against Female Discrimination?
One of the most effective ways of protecting yourself is speaking up about your experiences. You can begin by notifying your human resources department. However, if the conduct continues even after you have made a report, you can take legal action against your employer.
If the discrimination was pervasive or severe, you might have grounds for filing a claim with a state agency or the federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC).
To build your case, it is essential that you:
- Document the unlawful conduct
- Provide specific examples of the discrimination you faced
- Retain a copy of complaints you made
It is also crucial that you speak with an employment law attorney about your case. They can provide the counsel and guidance you need to navigate the complex processes, especially when you are going through a difficult time.